Addressing Equity in U.S. Schools

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Writing centers in universities and colleges offer different services to students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds while traversing higher education challenges of writing and disciplinary communities. These centers must be predisposed to a continuous stream of cash flows that maintain services delivered to needy students. The funding sources to support such centers during this pandemic include the American Rescue Plan (ARP) fund, the federal government, Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEERF), and local contributions.

American Rescue Plan (ARP)

The American Rescue Plan authorized an emergency relief fund for educational institutions to assist in continuity of education during this covid-19 pandemic at tutoring centers in various institutions. The ARP relief fund has reduced barriers to enrollment to such centers. Such funds are pooled at the financial aid offices to help prospective students. 

These schools had access to funds to enable upscaling of e-learning, increasing the number of tutors to offer remote learning support, and setting up the necessary infrastructure for different learning modalities away from on-campus learning. ARP is a significant congressional covid relief funding that has reversed the strains in schools budgeting throughout the U.S.

Federal Government Contribution

The U.S. education department maintained a role in funding public schools through the years, which remained a constant source of equity for institutions during the pandemic. The federal government's contribution to public schools is vital in maintaining free services at writing centers. The fund also supports implementing educational policies that remain a hurdle for seamless implementation of writing/tutoring programs and provides instructional materials to students as outlined by the school districts. 

Therefore, It is essential to note that this fund has added to the additional emergency relief contributions for education during the pandemic. Consequently, it has helped cushion the extra cost of schooling and overhead expenses that institutions incur in operating writing centers. However, the federal government should have increased this contribution during this pandemic to weed out the limitations of increased access to writing centers by minority groups in the U.S.

Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEERF)

The U.S.'s elementary and secondary education office outlined another unique source of equity for schools during this pandemic managed by governors. The State Department of Education channels billions of dollars to different states under the stewardship of governors in the United States. The vast amounts are part of the finances meant to revamp writing and tutoring centers in schools across the country.

Besides, the GEERF fund contributed to calculated incremental equity funding to writing centers to keep students learning, access internet connectivity, maintain a bare minimum for sustaining an online presence to access learning materials, and maintain tutors assistants remunerated. The limitation of tutors to impart writing skills to students is substantially addressed through prompt remuneration to the tutors and the rising popularity of online writing help platforms, such as

Locals Contribution

In the U.S., locals contribute significant equity for running writing and tutoring centers in schools, mainly from property taxation in each state. The share of equity from locals almost equals that of the state itself. Most importantly, the locals have partnered with schools to overcome problems presented by lack of access to digital content, high-speed internet connectivity, and crowdfunding for less fortunate children to access pathways that ensure learning continuity. 


In conclusion, these various equity sources have been the key to the continuity of learning despite the challenging economic times. Despite the glaring economic recession, such authorities have kept institutions running, ensuring that our society remains enlightened to spur future recovery. 



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